
Good Morning, Sunshine.

If you are someone who has recently woken up to some new truth, the author has some words of wisdom. When one realizes the world view they held was incorrect, they could easily shift into the five stages of grief. Many esoteric teachings refer to these moments as spiritual deaths. Therefore, it should come as... Continue Reading →

How Those in Power Use Psychology: A Sober Intro to Occult Initiation 

“Your visions will become clear only when you can explore your own heart. [One] Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” - Carl JungThis article intends on being a sober yet simple intro into what the occult is. As stated in this author's previous article the word Occult simply means hidden. Hidden from the... Continue Reading →

Know Thyself; The Key.

At the core of many major belief systems in the world are figures who lead by example. From the teachings of Jesus to Buddha and even Krishna one could easily deduce that these figures, whether real or mythical, were very much concerned with spreading the worship of their message and not the worship of themselves.... Continue Reading →

War on Drugs Steel Man

  The "Steel Man" tactic is the opposite of the "Straw Man" tactic in an argument. The latter is a tactic in which one misrepresents an opponents argument and then attacks that misrepresentation. An example of this in regard to the War on Drugs, following the theme of last week's article, goes like this: Person... Continue Reading →

Wall Talk

There's a lot of Wall talk going on these days, but both political sides' proposed solutions would seem to make everyone in this country less free. Is there a way to address these border issues in a way that would increase personal freedom instead? Looking at each sides' argument objectively could leave one to become very confused. There are great points on both sides of this debate: One Side Says something like: "You can't have a welfare state... Continue Reading →

Freedom?! Yeah, Right II: School

Corresponding Podcast Can Be Found Here Starting this series with the topic of War may not seem like a big surprise. Trading freedom for safety seems to be a theme found often in the pages of history. It seems doubtful, however, that the topic of this article would make the board on Family Feud if... Continue Reading →

Freedom!? yeah, right 1: WAR

The Encyclopedia Britannica defines Cognitive dissonance in a very complicated and wordy way HERE. I define it as a process that occurs in a person's brain when they encounter evidence that goes against or even blows away a major foundation of their thinking, then as a defense mechanism, their brain rejects the evidence. They just... Continue Reading →

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